Saturday, August 29, 2015

New Beginnings

Salutations!  As a first year teacher fresh out of Michigan State University, I can truly say I am excited to begin the year with all of you. I'm a native Michigander who found my way into Issaquah over the past few weeks. Now I know what you may be thinking; and yes I will be cheering for the Lions this football season. The primary reason why I traversed the continent hinges on my teaching philosophy; I firmly believe that incorporating technology into a classroom is crucial for preparing students to enter a modern workforce. In this regard Issaquah schools seemed like an excellent fit! I plan to engage students through a number of technological mediums, and I will encourage and support their exploration and utilization of appropriate technological tools throughout the year. I also plan to teach students how to be respectful and responsible digital citizens. Any classroom videos or classroom generated media will be featured in this blog. I will also refer to homework, due dates, and other important information here, but you will be able to find those things in greater depth on my school homepage. I'm looking forward to having an amazing year with everyone!
-Mr. K